ロキシーのインスタグラム(roxy) - 6月25日 05時52分

Last year we set out on an epic adventure to let the sea set us free, & found ourselves more inspired, more free & more daring then we could have ever dreamed. Earlier this year, we asked you to #DAREYOURSELF. To show us what it means to live every new day as an adventure and to show us the mark you want to leave on the world. You dreamed big. We’ve discovered that being a Roxy girl is a state of mind that transcends boundaries of culture,language & geography. We are grateful to be a part of the inspiration & hope you will continue to connect with the friends you’ve made along the way. Thank you for joining our ride.

Tomorrow we will announce the 5 Dare Yourself winners from around the world & hope you will join us in congratulating them. The next daring adventure for them awaits in Tavarua, Fiji with the Roxy athletes this September!


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PUMA Runningのインスタグラム
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