Wall Street Journalのインスタグラム(wsj) - 11月4日 23時05分

Pozzuoli, a seaside town about 8 miles west of Naples, has had more than 2,500 earthquake tremors in the past three months. So far, few have been large, but residents are on edge: They live on top of a supervolcano, a classification given to about 20 of the world’s largest volcanoes. The constant earthquakes are a sign of volcanic activity deep underground.⁠

Vesuvius, southeast of Naples, which destroyed Pompeii in the first century A.D., is the region’s most famous volcano. But modern volcanologists are far more worried about the cluster of low-lying craters around Pozzuoli known as Campi Flegrei. The 80-square-mile depression is home to more than a dozen conical volcanoes, several crater lakes—and half a million residents. Another 800,000 people live just outside the depression.⁠

“It’s nonstop earthquakes here,” said Luca Averna, a part-time fisherman, during a recent 3.6-magnitude tremor. “We’re used to it, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t afraid.”⁠

In Campi Flegrei, like in Yellowstone and the world’s other supervolcanoes, the probability of a catastrophic eruption is low but not nil, said Alessandro Iannace, a geology professor at the University of Naples Federico II who wrote a popular geology book.⁠

“The difference is that in Yellowstone, if you think the eruption is coming, you can send the tourists home and close the park for four years,” said Iannace. “You can’t do that with Campi Flegrei. There are just too many people there.”⁠

An eruption in Campi Flegrei isn’t imminent, but earthquakes have weakened the volcano, making a rupture in the crust more likely, according to a recent study by researchers at Italy’s national institute and University College London.⁠

Read more at the link in our bio.⁠

🎥: @giannicipriano for @wsjphotos


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