メトロポリタン美術館のインスタグラム(metmuseum) - 11月3日 01時14分

As part of our #MetAccess program, every month we invite Disabled and Deaf artists to respond to works in The Met collection that spark curiosity or inspiration. ⁣

Today, Derek Coulombe (@derekcoulombe.jpeg) reflects on this sculpture in The Met's Greek and Roman collection:⁣

"I approach this little statuette, Bronze Athlete, as a person with Tourette’s Syndrome. In my case, this means that I am constantly forced into making movements with my body that I do not intend to carry out, and that I produce these movements in cycles of repetition. ⁣

In a kind of parallel (albeit of their own volition), athletes are people who elect to train their bodies through repeated physical acts. By practicing movements, gestures, and actions that are refined through a long process of reiteration, and in training themselves in these ways, they change the way their bodies participate in the world. ⁣

I like to use this comparison to imagine that Bronze Athlete and I may have something in common. I like that Bronze Athlete could be a friend moving alongside me—that me and this little figurine may both be bodies wrapped up in a system of movements that seem to play out forever."⁣

⁣📲 Follow the hashtag #MetAccess to read previous months' posts.⁣

🎨 Bronze athlete, ca. 450 BCE. Classical. Greek. On view in Gallery 153. @metgreekandroman


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