ナオミ・シマダのインスタグラム(naomishimada) - 11月1日 22時04分

This is the time of year where all over the world we honour those no longer physically with us. French novelist, Marguerite Yourcenar, said that ”these autumnal rites are among the oldest celebrated on earth and in every country the Day of the Dead occurs after the last harvest, when the barren earth is thought to give passage to the souls lying beneath it.” Today is All Saint’s Day, Samhain and Dia De Los Muertos (among others!) a time of year where the veil between the physical world and the spiritual world is at its thinnest. Today as I set up my altar with offerings for my loved ones bygone, ancestors and guides I am asking them for all the assistance possible in helping to ease the transition for all the departing souls that have been taken from this Earth too early against their will by the violence born from the lies of our separation. This insidious destructive energy force we are experiencing right now in the collective feeds and survives off separation and division. I’m trying to learn how to hold both the ideal picture and the pain of the present. I pray for an all-encompassing transformative love to strike the hearts that have forgotten or have maybe never felt the true power of love. A love that tears down the walls of separation in our hearts that hurts us all.

If you have the space today and feel like you need an outlet for all this deep grief and sorrow, maybe you can light a 🕯️and say a prayer too 🪽💕

1 + 2 - The children of G@za by @alessandra_sanguinetti via @middleeastarchive
3 - my papa with my sister Luka in tow, my Oba-chan fumiko and my Kumiko Oba-san at our family grave in Gotokuji, Tokyo.
4 - lighting a candle for all the souls in transition.




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