Candlewick Co., Ltd.のインスタグラム(candlewick_jp) - 10月28日 20時00分


アイルランドが「ハロウィーン発祥の地」だということをご存じでしょうか?アイルランドで1000 年以上祝われている収穫と冬の始まりを祝うケルト人のお祭り「サウィン」が起源だとされています。ケルト人の時代、サウィンには死者の魂が家に帰ってくる、その年に亡くなった人たちがあの世へ旅立つと信じられていました。19 世紀にはアイルランドからの移民がアメリカにハロウィーンを伝え、今では世界中で人気のお祭りとなっています。デリーハロウィンと呼ばれるフェスティバルが開催される"デリー"という都市は、アメリカの全国紙『USA Today』が実施した読者投票で「ハロウィーンに訪れたい街」世界 No. 1にも輝いたことがあるそうです!



Did you know that Ireland is the "birthplace of Halloween"? It's believed to have originated from the Celtic festival of "Samhain," which celebrated the harvest and the beginning of winter, and has been observed in Ireland for over a thousand years. During the time of the Celts, Samhain was a festival where it was believed that the souls of the dead returned home, and those who had passed away in that year embarked on their journey to the afterlife. In the 19th century, Irish immigrants brought Halloween to America, and it has since become a popular festival celebrated worldwide. The city called Derry, which hosts the "Derry Halloween" festival, has even been voted as the "Number 1 City to Visit for Halloween" in a readers' poll conducted by 'USA Today'!

Inside our brochure, you'll find information about the origins of Halloween, festivals celebrated in various cities and stories of fairies and creatures from otherworldly realms that have been passed down through generations in Ireland. It's a delightful brochure designed to share the charm and excitement of Ireland's Halloween with those who pick it up. (Here, we post some parts of the brochure in the image.)

If you ever get the chance, consider experiencing an authentic Halloween in the "birthplace of Halloween," Ireland! 🎃👻

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