NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 10月24日 23時09分

One of the first signs that things are about to get creepy in a scary movie is when the lights start to flicker 🕯️. That happens all the time in space, too! Sometimes it happens because the objects themselves are changing, such as stars that pulse like beating hearts or flare up in dramatic explosions.

Other times, objects simply cross paths from our vantage point as they traverse the galaxy, distorting or blocking light from background stars.

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will watch for these flickers to find all kinds of objects that haunt our galaxy, from small icy objects in Pluto’s realm to stellar corpses (black holes and neutron stars) found much farther away. #NASAHalloween

00:00 Colorful space scenes show stars & blue & green clouds of gas.
00:07 A dark background appears & then a horizontal line with bright regions along it & a label reading brightness. A vertical line of geometric shapes extends along with the label Shape. A line with peaks & valleys like an audio graph comes out at 90 degrees to the other lines, labeled Spectrum
00:22 The bright regions, shapes, peaks & valleys change.
00:27 A circle appears. It changes size & brightness, moves around, & changes shape, color, & brightness. It moves off screen.
00:35 3 titles appear: Periodic, Quasiperiodic & Transient.
00:39 The titles shift to show periodic. A graph descends with a regular sine wave. Below the graph is a pulsar animation, a bright object that spins with angled lines extending from the top & bottom.
00:43 Quasiperiodic replaces periodic. A graph descends with 2 uneven higher peaks & 2 lower peaks. In the lower window, a colorful black hole accretion disk rotates. Bright regions on the disk rotate at different speeds, faster near the center.
00:50 Transient appears. The graph shows a single large peak. In the window an orange & yellow star pours material into a white disk with a bright tiny star at the center. The star explodes into a bright, expanding sphere of light, a supernova.


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