クリス・バーカードのインスタグラム(chrisburkard) - 10月4日 00時09分

Living & working in the creative industry comes with some of the most rewarding days and sometimes pretty difficult ones… the path as a freelancer is an incredible, beautiful one but it’s also been the school of hard knocks, sometimes making me lose sleep with all of the stress. You’re an artist, a businessman, marketer, talent, entrepreneur, traveler…. The list goes on. I wouldn’t change the lessons I’ve learned over the years and I’m grateful for the ways they have shaped me. Now I get to share some of that knowledge & it’s become one of my favorite experiences seeing other people grow in a career that means a lot to me.

My Iceland 1-day intensive photography workshops are filling up quick - we’re covering composition, working with brands & editorial, how to maximize social media for your benefit, building a portfolio, and much more. Grab your spot & make sure to come prepared with all of your questions and a notebook.
Sign ups & details at the link in my bio


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