ミリー・マッキントッシュのインスタグラム(milliemackintosh) - 9月8日 16時26分

Mama went out out! 🪩

I wanted to celebrate 1 year of alcohol free life so last week when a friend invited me out dancing I said yes without hesitation. I pulled out my sparkliest Strictly esq dress and danced the night away – ok well until around 11.30pm when I suddenly felt exhausted and my bed was calling! 

I find staying out late is hard when I’ve got to get up early with the kids and although I wasn’t hungover, the next day I was shattered but it got me thinking of other ways & places to go out dancing. A few weeks ago I attended a 5Rhythms class and I loved it, I felt so free and alive, fully letting go of all my inhibitions and I realised that no one cared how I looked. I am not a dancer, rhythm isn’t something that comes naturally to me but I want to find my love for dancing again and it felt very freeing, healing and SO much fun! 

I’d love to know if any of you have tried 5Rhythms, ecstatic dance or any fun dance work out classes in London and what your thoughts were? I think I’d also be up for a sober day rave?! Send me suggestions! 💫💃🏼

 Dream disco dress by @majeparis *gifted

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