Kara Yoshimoto Buaのインスタグラム(karayoshimotobua) - 9月7日 01時14分

Alchemical Beauty x Mindful Movement 🌿

👉 Find a special space for your movement

Wake up your spine to rev up your engine

Feel each 12 vertebrae of your spine - this includes your neck!

Gently hold in your gut throughout exercises

Shake your whole body for a few minutes

Opening like a Lotus (3, 6 or 9x)

Whoosh (3, 6 or 9x)

Shake again all the way over dangling your arms and let the energy whoosh over your head

Roll up slowly vertebrae by vertebra

Sit and feel the flow

Stand, breath in & hold, as long as you can while you squeeze every muscle in your body including your head, face, pelvic floor & feet, then exhale & drop the shoulders 🤍

#alchemicalbeautybykara #simplebeautybykara #karayoshimotobua #biomagneticfield #alchemicalbeauty #mindfulmovement #morningrituals #morningroutines #morningmovement #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #mindfulmoments #mindfulnesspractice

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