オータム・リーザーのインスタグラム(autumn_reeser) - 8月26日 22時29分

Lessons from Egypt ✨
🔑 2 of 3 — As within, so without. Tend to your interior temple. Tend to your exterior temple. How do you care for the world around you? Are you stuck in victim consciousness? Does your mind say things like: ‘Oh, humans are terrible, look at all that litter!’ Or do you quietly say, ‘Great, an opportunity to practice what I believe…” and simply pick up that which is out of harmony with the world you want to live in… This is what is meant by Be the change we wish to see. It can be that precise, subtle and holy. Start there. There is so much to change in this world, but the temple is here. The temple is now. Wherever you are in this exact moment. So… what does the inside of your temple look like? What unhelpful thoughts/ noise do you allow into your temple that profane the sacredness of your heart and mind?


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