DOVER STREET MARKET GINZAのインスタグラム(doverstreetmarketginza) - 7月5日 17時58分

2023年7月8日(土)ドーバー ストリート マーケット ギンザ 7F 書籍スペース BIBLIOTHECA(ビブリオテカ)にて、イギリス発の雑誌「Modern Matter Magazine」の最新号 Issue 21 “The Shapes of Things to Come”および貴重なバックナンバーを発売いたします。

当日 13:00 – 15:00には、雑誌のクリエイティブ・ディレクターでアーティストでもあるOlu Michael Odukoya (オル・マイケル・オドゥコヤ)が来店しブックサイニングを行います。

Modern Matter Magazine Issue 21 arrives Saturday 8th July at Dover Street Market Ginza 7F BIBLIOTHECA.

Artist / Creative Director of Modern Matter Magazine, Olu Michael Odukoya, will be in the shop from 1pm to 3pm to sign on the magazine.
We look forward to seeing you!

【Modern Matter Magazine】
The latest issue stands at the nexus of art, culture, and technology. In it, they break new ground through images, interviews, and articles created with the assistance of AI. In fact, 80% of the research materials and ideas were conducted by the AI assistant, making this a truly groundbreaking publication, once again pushing the boundaries of the possible. Modern Matter magazine is a groundbreaking biannual publication that merges the sometimes-chaotic approach to style and content found online with the careful consideration for production and the written word that has always characterised the very best print journals, Modern Matter is unlike any other magazine on the market. Named in honour of its focus on the now, as well as on the facets of art, style, design and culture that most matter to the team behind the magazine, it brings the personal into a sphere that’s typically commercial.

Limited number of back Issues will also be available at the launch:

Issue 6
Issue 9
Issue 14
Issue 17
Issue 18
Issue 19
Issue 20



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する


