ホープ・ハワードのインスタグラム(hopeisabelhoward) - 6月22日 04時51分

I get asked all the time for relationship advice and I have a hard time answering because me and Cody are far from experts. I can however talk about what works for us and that’s communication, Communication, COMMUNICATION! Talk about everything as soon as possible so it doesn’t become a bigger problem. Don’t be afraid to call each other out and hurt the other person’s feelings. Secondly, make time for each other every week no matter what. Sometimes you can’t always go out on a date but you can enjoy a hot bath together once the kids are in bed or cook a romantic meal. This one is super important that you should make time for at all costs. Third, if you want a fairy tale romance you’re going to have to deal with a lot of bullshit sometimes. Yes you read that right! Bullshit and we all have our own because nobody is perfect. What matters is that the other person acknowledges their faults and continuously works on improving them. I love you Cody and your bullshit and the fact that you love me and all of mine!❤️🙏🏽


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