タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 4月25日 17時01分

Today is World Penguin Day! Join us in celebrating these flightless birds with our colony of Little Penguins at Taronga Zoo 🐧🌊

These little penguins live right here in Sydney, with a breeding colony located in Manly. Living alongside people has its challenges. The Taronga Wildlife Hospital rehabilitates around 30 wild penguins every year, with plastic ingestion and entanglement being major threats.

This World Penguin Day pledge to help keep our oceans litter free! Simple actions like choosing reusable products and disposing of waste responsibly can help keep little penguins safe. Check out our calculator to find out how you can have a huge impact with a few small changes.

Learn more about how you can protect little penguins and our Penguin Keeper Talk at 2:40pm daily. #WorldPenguinDay #LitterFreeOceans #ForTheWild


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