タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 4月24日 22時13分

Some takeaways -

- racists like @erisianvisions and his racist girlfriend @l0velybloodfl0w always attempt to weaponize Martin Luther King Jr. against the very Black people he fought for. It's a sickness. These two have been tag team trolling me for days now.

- White people, take note. Speaking on behalf of dead Black people will always make you look racist. It's a very racist thing to do.

- We should normalize calling out sexist language more often. From Shruthi Sundaram via Injustice-

"Dear society, let me ask you this. Why the hell should any of my genital parts associate with weakness? Women from time unknown have pushed a complete human being out of their “pussy”. While giving birth to her baby, a woman experiences more pain than a man can ever do. Does that not make vaginas the most powerful part of the body?
Then why is “pussy” used for weak people? We should use it for warriors, as a compliment, isn’t it? The only reason I have for society comparing vaginas to weakness is deeply terrifying. Vaginas are considered weak because they can be overpowered. They can be raped. This is the very definition of rape culture: the normalization of sexual violence."

Sexism always goes hand in hand with racism. Hey @uklabour this is the son of Stacey Guthrie, y'all work with her right?


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