ブリアンナ・ブラウンのインスタグラム(briannabrownkeen) - 4月11日 03時18分

I 💗 this quote and here is why…
First of all, Maya Angelou’s quotes are always on point, profound, and soaked in wisdom.
I remember growing up trying to fit in. Trying to sit at the cool lunch table, trying to be accepted by the “popular” crowd, and wanting to be accepted by my peers.
When life threw me in another direction, it forced me to see how silly that need for acceptance through other’s eyes really was. One’s self esteem should not be dictated by others! Trying to fit in and be normal is boring, and sheep-like vs. being a shepherd.
Dimming oneself to fit the mold of “acceptable” that is crafted by... what? Advertising and media?
So many folks think they are being original, but they are only regurgitating what has been brainwashed onto them.
I believe we all have unique gifts blessed upon us. Our job is to peel back the layers and embody them fully. To live life without regret and allow ourselves to be amazingly who we were meant to be.
Perhaps today, choose to throw your shoulders back, look folks in the eye, smile with each breath, and choose to let go of limited conditioning and instead shine bright! 🌟


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