RIASIMのインスタグラム(coffeecakescafe) - 4月3日 21時16分

Good morning everyone! Last week I received an email from the Rockefeller Center Flag Project and was told my art has been selected to be printed on one of the flags at RC! Words cannot express how thrilled and grateful I am to have been selected! This is the first contest I’ve ever won! In the past, I’ve never really been able to enter a contest because the ones I’ve seen had requirements, seemingly a mile long, and by the time I finished reading the criteria…my art style wasn’t a fit. When I saw that the RC flag Project welcomed everyone…I submitted my art! Tears of joy running down my cheeks, heart beating fast like I ran a mile, exhilarating feeling that causes chills and goosebumps…all of it happening simultaneously! Oh and yes…a happy dance is part of this mix too!
THANK YOU @rockefellercenter @cityharvestnyc for selecting not one, but both my submissions!
@buvettenyc - this art represented how I felt the first time I opened the door and felt like I entered another country! All my senses overload, from hearing the chatters, the cling and clang of the dishes, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and of course seeing the mouthwatering dishes! A moment in time that lasted a lifetime of memories…and to this day, warms my heart each and every time I come here!
@_mamannyc_ - There’s a place that all little girls dream of…a fairy tale setting, beautiful tea party, and pretty dresses (well, that was me when I was little). When I fist visited Maman, the first thing I thought about was I wished there was a Maman when I was little, I would have begged my mom to take me there every day for a tea party with her!
✨A special thank you to James Barron of the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ for featuring me on NYT New York Today.
I’m eternally grateful for this opportunity! I could have never imagined this happening to me!!
A very special THANK YOU to all of you for the support and kindness you expressed to me on a daily basis! ❤️ Your love of my art motivates me to continue to learn the art of illustrating and to bring to you the city I love so dearly in a whimsical way! ❤️🙏🏻
#theflagprojectrc #flagprojectrc #flagproject #rockefellercenter #coffeecakescafe #newyorkcity


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




