スコット・ローウェルのインスタグラム(scolo222) - 4月2日 01時33分

Not many people know that before I was an actor I was a children’s shampoo spokesmodel!

I was discovered by Lawrence Gelb (founder of @clairol_pro ) while riding my bicycle down a long hill on Country Club Dr. in Woodbridge, CT. As he later told the press, “… while glancing over the hedge, suddenly I saw what at first I thought was a beautifully maned pony galloping downhill… but it turned out to be an odd looking young gentleman named Scott. But that hair … that HAIR!”

Turns out @clairolcolor was about to come out with a new line of children’s shampoos called “Gee Your Hair Smells” and @officialshauncassidy had turned down all their requests to be their spokesmodel … this opened the door for a no one like me to get the opportunity of a lifetime!

I learned SO much those weeks the job lasted before the entire product line was scrapped due to, what the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ called “a complete lack of interest by anyone.” Some of those lessons have remained with me to this day. Like, for instance, did you know that shampoo is meant to wash your SCALP and not your actual hair hairs? 🤯

Anyway, I’ll always be grateful on April 1st for that bike ride on Country Club Dr.!

#childmodel #clairol #hairstyles #bicycle #shauncassidy #70s #cleanyourscalp #pony #oddlooking



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