サラ・ラミレスのインスタグラム(therealsararamirez) - 3月24日 19時36分

Black background w/white font that reads: “March 31 is International Transgender Day of Visibility (and Action). Where will you be? How will you be engaging with this day beyond visibility?”
We are living in a time where more visibility for Trans community doesn’t just create important conversations, it creates increased violence toward trans and non-binary people - in particular Black and Brown queer and trans community. On this #ITDOV #TDOV we must challenge systems beyond visibility. We must not only raise awareness, but take action; build power within queer/trans community, strategize for community care and mutual aid, push back against policies and bills that are attempting to “eradicate” trans and non-binary/gender non-conforming people (tgnc) - with the goal of changing the material conditions of tgnc folx’ lives for the better and protecting tgnc community’s rights to healthcare/housing/food security/jobs/education/voting.

There will be school walk outs, protests, marches and celebrations all over the US and globe. For more info on one, of many, youth led actions in the US please check the link in my bio. This movement is multi-generational; without tgnc youth, without the tgnc adults and elders who paved the way for us to march/protest- who have built community/safety structures to support actions- the movement is incomplete. We must come together in solidarity, raise our voices and let the people who work FOR US know that TGNC people exist and aren’t going anywhere.

Without eradication of white supremacy and anti-Blackness (in all its forms), and inclusion of disability and immigration justice, our movement is incomplete.

TGNC people have always been here, since the beginning of recorded history, and we will always be here. We make the world a more beautiful and vibrant place. Join the movement for liberation today, beyond #ITDOV, and know you’re not alone. Sending love to my beloved queer and tgnc community.

Some trans led orgs to support in NYC starting today:



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