デヴォン青木のインスタグラム(devonaoki) - 1月10日 23時38分

My family and I are all big fans of Yayoi Kusama and being asked to be a part of this collaboration is really special. Leading up to the shoot, I wanted to learn more about her incredible life story. Reading through old interviews I was absolutely flabbergasted to discover in her own words that she had partnered with my father in the 1960s! This was unknown to me before shooting and I never would have made the connection had I not been asked to be a part of this campaign. In a world that seems so far away from me now and yet so deeply connected to my being, she was friends with the person who made me and who is no longer here, my father Rocky Aoki. He had helped her as a young artist setting up a Broadway show she had envisioned called Tokyo Lee and he was featured in one of her presentations as her interview partner!! This piece of information took my breath away and I cried, laughed and marveled at a unique friendship that must have intrigued both of them so long ago in the 1960s…and now this connection had come full circle. 🔴 Thank you @ルイ・ヴィトン, thank you to the magic weaver that is @YayoiKusama, @yayoikusamamuseum, and the legendary team of my dreams @ Steven Miesel @カリーヌ・ロワトフェルド, @パット・マグラス @guidopalau 💗


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