ロクシタンのインスタグラム(loccitane) - 1月3日 19時00分

We take and give back to the soil with a little help from our fellow earthworms. ⁣

They are the unsung heroes of our soils and absolutely essential to their health. ⁣

Ready to wiggle through the dirt and uncover their super powers?

From the burrows they make, to the matter they leave behind, they help increase soil aeration, nutrient and water cycling, which in turn contributes to plant growth and root development. ⁣

And that’s not all! The waste and castings left by earthworms contain binding agents that help maintain the structure and stability of the very soils they thrive in while also contributing to their fertilization. Do you see our friends a little differently? #MindBlown #WormsDerserveMoreCredit #WormDay #WeGrow


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