タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 9月18日 23時04分

Utah District 12 you know what you gotta do 😩😂 nah for real this felt like a horror movie the way she came in 😂

Repost from @agirlhasnopresident

This is just more Rappin’ for Jesus. And if you’ve never heard of that, please Google it. I’ll wait.

And before you even ask, yes this is real.

I remember one time ages ago, I was watching an Elvis documentary and somebody questioned (towards the end of his life) why he was allowed to sink so low. Why no one ever said no to him or questioned what he was doing, and someone answered with a question.. “How can you protect a man from himself?” I laughed at the time at what seemed absurd to me, but it kind of made sense.

This video is embarrassing in a lot of ways and when I watched it I questioned why no one around her tried to stop this mess. Like, does nobody care enough about her that they’ll just let her do this stupid shit or does every single person around her think this stupid shit is fantastic? Who in their right mind thinks this woman is a mover and a shaker?

Everyone is responsible for their own actions so this falls on her, but you think if she had people who loved her they would say, girl, this is just not it. The group photo she posted, shows that she doesn’t know any Black people. Nothing shocking there.


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