テート・ギャラリーのインスタグラム(tate) - 6月1日 22時30分

It's #VolunteersWeek! We're celebrating the extraordinary contribution of our fantastic volunteers who give their time, passion and expertise to our visitors from all over the globe. This week we met visitor hosts Kevin, Denise, Joshua, Rory and Jonathan at Tate Britain who told us all about volunteering at Tate and the artworks they love most.

Find our volunteers in the gallery with 'Ask Me' bags - they're always around to help you find your way, recommend routes around the galleries and learn more about art at Tate. We also have over 100 wonderful volunteer guides delivering free tours at 12, 1 and 2pm daily. No need to book - just check the signage in our galleries for daily details.

A big thank you to all our dedicated volunteers - you bring the galleries to life and Tate wouldn't be the same without you! ❤️


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