玉城大志さんのインスタグラム写真 - (玉城大志Instagram)「初めての英語でのスタンドアップコメディ😳❗️  応援してくれた皆さん本当にありがとうございます。  今年の目標は英語を勉強すると決めていたので、このスタンドアップコメディのオファーをもらった時はいい機会だと思って参加を決めました。  後にめちゃくちゃ後悔することになります💦笑  もともとスタンドアップコメディもそんなに観ないタイプだったので、色んなアメリカ人のコメディアンを観ながら勉強しました。  ただ、やはりネタが書けない。。。  何回も書き直しては破棄、書き直しては破棄。  ショーの前日はゲロ吐きそうになるくらいプレッシャーに押し潰されていました😂  そして、本番‼️  人は緊張の限界を迎えると、頬がピクピク痙攣するみたいですね😂笑  100人以上のお客さんの前で喋りました。  ビデオ観たらわかると思うけど、ちゃんとウケたからね❗️笑  めちゃくちゃ緊張したけど、本当にやってよかったです。  とりあえず、今回のチャレンジはこれで終わりです。  でも、ハリウッドスターになるために、これからいろんなチャレンジしていこうと思うので、皆さんぜひ、応援よろしくお願いします😆‼️  ※スタンダップコメディはアメリカのお笑い芸のことで、コメディアンが観客の前で直接彼らに向かって話す一人漫才のスタイルです。  My first-time stand-up comedy.  Thank you very much for supporting me.  I had decided that my goal for this year was to study English, so when I got this stand-up comedy offer, I thought it was a good opportunity and decided to participate.  You will regret it later.lol  Originally, I didn't watch stand-up comedy so much, so I studied while watching various American comedians.  However, I still can't write the material line. .. ..  Rewrite and discard many times.  The day before the show, I was crushed by the pressure to vomit.  And the production! !!  When a person reaches the limit of tension, his cheeks seem to have cramps. lol  I spoke in front of more than 100 customers.  You might not believe it, but I made a big laugh.  However, once it started, I was enjoying it.  I was really nervous, but I'm really glad I did it.  For the time being, this is the end of this stand-up comedy challenge.  I’m still chasing my dream to be a Hollywood star, so please pray and support me in my dreams.  VAMOS!  Host @derek_mio  Photographer @travisfcomic」5月19日 10時32分 - taishi.0621

玉城大志のインスタグラム(taishi.0621) - 5月19日 10時32分

















My first-time stand-up comedy.

Thank you very much for supporting me.

I had decided that my goal for this year was to study English, so when I got this stand-up comedy offer, I thought it was a good opportunity and decided to participate.

You will regret it later.lol

Originally, I didn't watch stand-up comedy so much, so I studied while watching various American comedians.

However, I still can't write the material line. .. ..

Rewrite and discard many times.

The day before the show, I was crushed by the pressure to vomit.

And the production! !!

When a person reaches the limit of tension, his cheeks seem to have cramps. lol

I spoke in front of more than 100 customers.

You might not believe it, but I made a big laugh.

However, once it started, I was enjoying it.

I was really nervous, but I'm really glad I did it.

For the time being, this is the end of this stand-up comedy challenge.

I’m still chasing my dream to be a Hollywood star, so please pray and support me in my dreams.


Host @derek_mio
Photographer @travisfcomic


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



