アンナ・ニコル・スミスのインスタグラム(annavictoria) - 1月17日 03時38分

Think of the acronym SMART:
👉 S: Specific. For example, I want to be able to do push-ups would be a specific goal. Just saying “I want to get strong” isn’t specific enough to be able to measure. We gotta get more detailed than that!
👉 M: Measurable. How many push-ups do you want to be able to do? For example, you could say 10! You need to be able to quantify your progress.
👉 A: Attainable. This is where you need to be sure the goal is realistic and attainable. 10 push-ups is realistic but maybe 100 push-ups in 1 week isn’t ☺️ For those with weight-based goals, keep in mind that a healthy guideline for weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week or 4-8 lbs per month.
👉 R: Relevent: This is where you need to dig deep down and find your “why”. You need to be able to answer the question: “I want to be able to do 10 push-ups because…” and a possible answer could be, “because I want to be strong enough to hold and keep up with my toddler!”
👉 T: Time-based. You want to give some sort of timeline so you actually take action. You don’t want this timeline to be too far out (like 1 year) since that could delay you actually working on your goal, but you don’t want it to be too short (like 1 week) to where you will already be looking for a new goal within a few days.
So let’s put it all together! Here’s an example: I want to be able to do 10 full, unmodified push-ups in 6 weeks because I want to be strong enough to hold and keep up with my toddler!
Comment your SMART goals below so I can cheer you on!! 🥰💪 We’re halfway through our 30 day challenge - let’s keep the momentum going and finish strong!! 🙌✨ #fbggirls #fbgcommunity


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Megan Rainのインスタグラム
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