プラバルグルンのインスタグラム(prabalgurung) - 12月10日 08時33分

Thank you, @fernmallis & @92ndstreety for giving me the opportunity to share our new passion project @houseofslay
The new episode is out on TAPAS.IO @tapas_app


House of Slay is a place for everyone—a safe and inclusive space representing the underrepresented voices from all walks of life.
It is built on the idea that Individually one can create noise, but collectively we can start a revolution. And The first step of building a community of revolutionaries is to align people with intentions, purpose and integrity who understand the world is stronger in colour

It is about storytelling through which we give visibility to the ones that are deemed invisible, validate those who feel unseen. Let them know that they are seen. Their existence matters, and they matter.

Because we all know what it feels like to be invisible. For me, as a queer man of colour, an immigrant, I have had to fight for my place constantly and consistently. For so many others from the marginalised and minority groups, the struggle Is even more. For a woman, they've had to fight for their right to be left alone, especially when it comes to her body and what she chooses to do with it; it's all up for grabs. The list goes on and on.

House of slays goal is to create a space where everyone feels they have a safe space to express themselves and find other like-minded people, so they don’t have to feel alone.

So that’s what we d we slay the evil, we slay haters, hateful rhetorics, we slay the offering we slay all of that while looking absolutely fabulous and glorious.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




