テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 5月26日 02時54分

Darling friends and community I am so honoured to share this story with you all. This is Ayahs story, a 16 month old little girl fighting SMA. Without the drug Zolgensma she will die, it needs to be administered before she is 2 so this is incredibly time sensitive. This drug costs 2.4 million USD, they need another USD 683k to get there. This live is full of tears (many from me) and a whole lot of inspiration. From one mother to another it absolutely breaks my heart to see this mama in such deep suffering. I believe as a community we can all donate to get them over the line. The link to Go Fund Me is in my stories (swipe up) or in my bio. Please follow @little.ayah to help ❤️❤️❤️


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