市川渚のインスタグラム(nagiko) - 4月3日 13時18分

先日拝見したSagan Viennaの秋冬も素敵だったなあ。

白いステッチが入ったシリーズは以前投稿したPangaia @thepangaia のスニーカーと同じグレープレザー(ワイン生産時に出る廃棄葡萄を使って作られたヴィーガンレザー)を使ってるそう。


最後の一枚は、今回展示会で一緒に展示をされていた写真家 菅野恒平さんのカレンダー。写真だけでなく、プロダクト、というか作品か、そのデザインもすばらしく一目惚れして、連れて帰ってきたよ🔥

Sagan Vienna is the label for leather handbags and small leather goods by Croatian and Japanese designers based in Vienna.

The series with white stitching is made of grape leather (It's vegan leather made from waste grapes from wine production), the same material as the Pangaia sneakers I posted here before.

The field of material science for apparel products is one of the areas I've been watching with interest, as new materials born from the application of biotechnology have been released one after another in recent years. Recently, these materials, which were in the research phase, are now gradually reaching us as products, and I'm excited about it. This field tends to talk about in the context of ecology and sustainability. But I personally enjoy the fact that the development of technology expands the choice of materials for both manufacturers and consumers.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



