Coleen Garciaのインスタグラム(coleen) - 2月28日 16時38分

Happy 50th birthday, Mamaaaa! 🥰 Thank you so much for being the best Mom to us and the best Lola to Amari! You’re everyone’s Superwoman, and we’d all seriously be lost (and bored) without you. ❤️ You make our lives so much brighter and more colorful! I won’t make this post long na, because we stayed up past 2am last night just making you cry with our messages 😝 I pray you feel that special and loved ever single day because it’s what you deserve, and it’s also what you give out to everyone around you! 🥰

We have a new video (with MamaPaz!) up on our channel to celebrate this special occasion! Link in Bio ✨


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