レイチェルロイのインスタグラム(rachel_roy) - 2月21日 02時25分

Some Italian beauty for your feed..
This evening, 40 min outside of Rome, fed my soul. Dinner in a castle, overlooking a lake that sits perched on an old volcano... moments of perfection

Who are we and how do we react to pain when we are not in splendid locations like my Italian dream above,
That is what I have been thinking a lot about. How do we extend that feeling of peace while not being in those spaces those settings that make it easy to be at full peace as nature allows us. What I know for sure is, the highest growth comes at the edges, not within places of comfort. So while I loved this night, and it was one of the most beautiful in memory, I hold tight to the knowledge that I need to trust life when it’s uncomfortable and painful and bringing me to the edge.
Never easy though. But is 2020/2021 for many of us.

Cheers to the beauty of Italy and all she offers us 🤍💗

#italy #italian
#ItalianTravel #italianliving
#ItalianCastle #RachelRoy


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