エム・フォードのインスタグラム(mypaleskinblog) - 2月18日 01時49分

Reminder: social media is only a small part of someone’s life.

What you may have seen on my social media: my epic summer vacation in Santorini , romantic gifts, dreamy hotel/dinner dates in london, pretty houses in the countryside and healed skin.

What you didn’t see: specialist rheumatologists, scary surgery consultations , neurologists, podiatrists, physiotherapists, god knows how many GP’s. MRI scans, nerve testing, audiologists, ENTs, Heart Echo scans. I’ve Lost count on the amount of times I’ve fainted. The Surgery to remove my tonsils. Sleep specialists, blood tests, pain management clinics, pain management psychologists, professors, the never ending piles of medication. I’ve lost count of how many student dr’s I’ve let join the room. I’ve been gawped at, poked, prodded, been the girl with the super rare X-rays that med students crowd around to look at and say OOOHHH, had to have my BF pick me up from the floor after passing out at 3am getting water, and even had a trip to A&E after shutting my thumb in a car door last year.

Exhausted yet? Me too, and you haven’t even seen my upcoming medical appointments yet 😩.

I’m not writing this for pity, I’m writing this to remind you that the perfectly posed shots you see on social media are never the full story.

Not all disabled people are in wheelchairs, some of them look like me too, so please don’t compare your story to the front cover of someone else’s book.

If you’re battling something behind the scenes, suffering with invisible illnesses, disabilities, currently in the abyss before diagnosis, or just struggling day to day and still trying to put on a brave face - I see you, I feel you, and I am you. Sending all my love, Em x

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