レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 2月16日 04時20分

I want some of you to really absorb this information. It’s ok if you don’t understand what a micro-aggression is, I’m here to help you understand so you don’t unintentionally offend or insult someone that doesn’t look like you. Think before you speak; ask yourself what you mean before implying a stereotype or using a slur and remember that having friends that belong to a marginalized community does not excuse you when you use slurs. I am an educated black man from a good family. I live in a nice home in a nice neighborhood. I played a sport for a living but that does not mean that I cannot be good at something else! Stop telling me that I speak so well and that my kids are so well-behaved, or that I should stick to basketball!(Micro-aggressions) Do what you will with this information, but just remember that you have been schooled so before you put your foot in your mouth next time, take a moment to think before you speak. #nowyouknow #microaggressions #educationistheanswer #readingisfundamental #dobetter #eachoneteachone #empathy #civility #youdontliveherebyyourself #youdontowntheearth #share #iamfromheretoo #thisshitbelongstoeveryone #nohumanisillegal


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