リッキー・ウィットルのインスタグラム(rickywhittle) - 2月13日 02時26分

You think you know me, who I am, my thoughts,my beliefs,race,dreams and struggles. The same way I know nothing about you, you have no clue who I am unless you have spent time with me. We are all always so quick to comment,judge and assume without knowing people or their struggles. The world is full of bad people,idiots,bigots,bullies,aggressors and trolls,but mostly they’re people who are in pain,weak,vulnerable and insecure from their own failures,problems and issues. Don’t give them oxygen. Whole and happy people don’t throw out hate,troll or abuse,they’re too busy living their own lives,following and chasing their dreams,then trying to share how wonderful life can be if you chose to live it in a positive way, focussed on being the best version of themselves. You don’t need to drag others down to be happy or successful,that’s for the weak,insecure,cowards that know they’re failing,that arnt willing to put in the work. Keyboard warriors and social media crickets who don’t have the courage to say things to your face. Trust,they don’t like what they see in the mirror. We’re a reflection of the effort,discipline and sacrifice we put in. Don’t let negative strangers talk you out of living a life they couldn’t achieve. Live your life,find your happiness,find it inside,we are all special,never let anyone try to dictate your journey,your mood. They don’t know where you came from, who you are,the strength you hold,where you’re going,they don’t know you and never will, so why listen? I don’t, I’m too busy living,not just existing. Spreading love and light. Choose happiness today,sometimes it’s hard but if just for a few minutes. Watch a show,movie,read a book,listen to a song,hum, sing,speak to friends or family. Choose happiness and yourself for a moment. Then the next day maybe a few more, then the next choose a few more moments to be happy. Eventually the dark days have a little less darkness and a little more light in them. We got this,YOU got this💪🏾❤️🙌🏾🙏🏾
@british.thoughts 📸 @rowan_daly
Grooming @tonigarciajacksonhair & @makeupstaceface
Creative Direction @tyrenredd
Wardrobe @winniestackz
@handzdirtypr project coordinator


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