大竹しのぶさんのインスタグラム写真 - (大竹しのぶInstagram)「佐渡裕さんのラジオ番組に出演させて頂きました。 是非お聴き下さい! byマネージャー  #Repost @yutakasado_official with @make_repost ・・・ たまーにしか放送ありませんが、僕がレギュラー出演するNHKのラジオ番組「音楽酒場マエストロ」の放送が近づいて来ました! 今回のゲストは俳優・大竹しのぶさん、そしてピアニストの反田恭平くん。ちょっとラジオドラマ風で、僕が千秋マスターのお店、「マエストロ」の常連さんで、しのぶさんと反田くんをお迎えするという設定。 僕は子供の頃からラジオを聞くのが好きでね〜中学生の頃など深夜放送ばかり聞いていました。テレビの視覚から入る情報ではなく、声だけだから想像力が働くのがおもしろいんでしょうね… 今回はAMとFMと日を変えて放送がありますので、ぜひお聴きください!  ★佐渡裕の音楽酒場「マエストロ」 2/11(木祝)22:05~22:55 NHKラジオ第1 2/12(金)18:00~18:50 NHK FM   Although the show only airs sometimes, the radio show on NHK “Music Pub Maestro” where I appearance on a regular basis will air again soon! The guests this time are actress, Shinobu Otake and pianist Kyohei Sorita. The setting is a little bit like a radio drama; I’m a regular customer at the pub “Maestro” owned by Chiaki-san and we welcome Shinobu-san and Sorita-kun as guests. I’ve been a big fan of listening to the radio ever since I was a boy, in middle school all I’d do is listen to late-night radio shows. I guess for me, rather than all the visual information you get through watching TV, it’s more interesting to let your imagination work freely by just listening to voices… The dates are different for the AM and FM stations, so please listen to it!  ★ Yutaka Sado’s Music Pub “Maestro” Feb. 11 (Thu.) 22:05~22:55 NHK Radio 1  Feb. 12 (Fri.)18:00~18:50 NHK FM   #大竹しのぶ @shinobu717_official #反田恭平 @kyoheisorita #鎌倉千秋#ShinobuOtake#KyoheiSorita#ChiakiKamakura#NHK#radio#佐渡裕#yutakasado」2月10日 23時35分 - shinobu717_official

大竹しのぶのインスタグラム(shinobu717_official) - 2月10日 23時35分


#Repost @佐渡裕 with @make_repost

2/11(木祝)22:05~22:55 NHKラジオ第1
2/12(金)18:00~18:50 NHK FM

Although the show only airs sometimes, the radio show on NHK “Music Pub Maestro” where I appearance on a regular basis will air again soon!
The guests this time are actress, Shinobu Otake and pianist Kyohei Sorita. The setting is a little bit like a radio drama; I’m a regular customer at the pub “Maestro” owned by Chiaki-san and we welcome Shinobu-san and Sorita-kun as guests.
I’ve been a big fan of listening to the radio ever since I was a boy, in middle school all I’d do is listen to late-night radio shows. I guess for me, rather than all the visual information you get through watching TV, it’s more interesting to let your imagination work freely by just listening to voices…
The dates are different for the AM and FM stations, so please listen to it!

★ Yutaka Sado’s Music Pub “Maestro”
Feb. 11 (Thu.) 22:05~22:55 NHK Radio 1
Feb. 12 (Fri.)18:00~18:50 NHK FM

#大竹しのぶ @大竹しのぶ #反田恭平 @反田恭平 #鎌倉千秋#ShinobuOtake#KyoheiSorita#ChiakiKamakura#NHK#radio#佐渡裕#yutakasado


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



