中島史恵のインスタグラム(fumielove0614) - 2月10日 07時28分






This is Fumie Nakajima❤, anti-aging ambassador!

Actually, I have worked on a great supplement this time.It's effective in delaying cell aging, and it's also called "a supplement to repair genes," and it's even called "a supplement of dreamsI'm actually starting drinking right now, so please pay attention to my changes 😊.

When it is time to deliver on SNS, we will inform everyone first, so please continue to check ❤️.❤️

"The ""Age of the Wind🍃"" is increasingly overflowing with information."At times like this, the opposite of "Energy of the Earth🌟" and "Footing on the Earth=" are important.Even in my reverse method class, I always convey the importance of granding 😊.I'm thinking about a lot of opportunities to share methods with everyone other than avity in the future, so please look forward to it 💕

This is an image created by a fan 💕.Once again, thank you so much to everyone who supports Fumie Nakajima❤️!"As ""Beauty and Health Supporters = Shape Up Girls"", we will continue to study and devote ourselves to helping everyone every day, so we look forward to working with you."Have a wonderful day today too 😊⭐️.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



