アギーのインスタグラム(aggie) - 2月10日 01時17分

I used to be one of those snobbish adventurers who would pride themselves in never staying in five star hotels or eating in fancy restaurants.
I think buddhists call it an 'ego trap' - a situation where you make yourself feel better by comparing yourself to others and assuming your way of doing something, in my case - traveling - is more 'real' or more 'authentic' because it involved hanging out with the locals and spending time in nature as opposed to enjoying 'luxury' experiences. I thought it was the right way, the better way. Wrong! 😋
Life is all about a balance and now I don't give myself a hard time about traveling and living in various ways
I let myself enjoy some luxury, or admitting l like beautiful cars (the old me would be in denial) just as I like sleeping in a tent every now and then.
I think not judging myself for either has made me become even more open minded and understanding, which is what I want to be be in the first place. What are your thoughts?
EDITED WITH JAGGIE PACK (first one my presets, the next one @jacob’s) #aggielook #la #egotrap #supercar #losangeles http://liketk.it/37XMN #liketkit


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