タイラー・シールズのインスタグラム(thetylershields) - 2月6日 06時35分

We all have to face ourselves at some point, take a long hard look at your life and decide if you are living the life you want or the life someone else wants you to live. Freedom only comes from effort it takes work to be free it’s easy to live for someone else. This photo was shot on my 8 by 10 camera and I used a new lighting set up which allowed me to be able to control every shadow and the depth of the black, the mirror nor the image is photoshoped this is all done with lighting, sadly the only way to see the true depth in this image is to see it printed which I can’t wait to be able to have galleries again as this is an image that I am very proud of from the standpoint of I had this exact depth in my head and figured out how to execute it without a computers help. What does this image say to you?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



