ジミー・チンのインスタグラム(jimmychin) - 2月2日 01時44分

The main challenge shooting with @アレックス・オノルド is he climbs faster than most any other climbers or human beings. Getting a shot of him, particularly in the alpine, means he generously waits around for us slow ass mortals to climb ahead and get in position above him high on the route. Here he is climbing a variation on the mega classic 15 pitch Becky - Chouinard route in the Bugaboos. Along with @conard_anker and @renan_ozturk, it took us a big day to climb and shoot the route, rap the mountain and traverse back around the Howser Massif to camp. A few days later, on his 28th birthday, Alex left camp around 9 in the morning to onsight solo two big multi pitch alpine rock routes - one rated 5.12a and the other 5.11c respectively. (Alex - maybe you can remind me of the route names?) He strolled back into camp around 3pm, ate some food, left camp around 4pm to go solo the Becky Chouinard. He walked back into camp before dark. Some parties do the route over two days. It was certainly one of the best days of soloing ever done by anyone in the Bugaboos. Just another casual day for Alex.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




