アレックス・ロドリゲスのインスタグラム(arod) - 1月26日 23時30分

I can’t believe it’s been one year since we experienced the tragic loss of my brother, my friend, Kobe Bryant. It still doesn’t feel real.
Kobe was so much more than just a basketball player and he was destined for even more greatness. His journey was truly just beginning and it still hurts so much thinking about how much good he had left to do.
I miss our conversations. I miss texting about family, business, sports and music. I miss him.
I’m also thinking about GiGi and her tragic loss, along with the other passengers on the plane. To all the families and friends who were affected by this tragedy, we are all thinking of you.
Today, and really everyday, remember that our time is short. Hug your loved ones. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Work hard and remember to smile.
RIP, Kobe. Love you, Mamba.


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