オーエン・マッケンのインスタグラム(eoincmacken) - 1月23日 03時49分

So here’s the thing. The first photo is me, for the eagle eye viewers amongst you, and a bombastic painting of myself, @tom.hopperhops & @tomiwa.edun as the Knights of Camelot Gwaine, Elyan & Percival from Merlin. The 2nd photo is the painting itself. And the third photo is the chap who’s painted it: @carl.shaaban - who’s artistic alias is @poparticons - it turns out that Mr Shaaban has spent the lockdown doing what we all planned to do, and that’s learn a new skill, and he has secretly become this wicked pop art painter.
To celebrate one my dear friends talents, he painted this @poparticons interpretation of the 3 of us, and so....in the spirit celebrating Merlin, and Carl’s skill, I am giving away this painting signed by Carl, and me through a charity raffle. The charity will be to support an Autism research charity which is one that my dear pal @tom.hopperhops supports, and you can learn more about why he does that and his darling son Freddie on his insta page and that of his super wife @laurahopperhops - the raffle page will be up tomorrow with all the details and I will subsequently do an insta live draw etc. Ok. HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYBODY


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



