ジャナ・クレイマーのインスタグラム(kramergirl) - 1月21日 23時23分

No terrible 2’s around here. Also I think it’s time to potty train this little dude because he is giving us all the ques he is ready. And cue real tears. While we quarantine in Canada for 14 days before I start filming I think we are going for it...so if you see a family walking through the airport with a baby toilet that’s us😂. Jolie was an angel with potty training. We did the 3 day method and was completely potty trained right before 2 (minus the night. She wore pull ups until 3). But I have a feeling he might be a little more challenging. He goes to the potty before every bath so he’s comfy with it but any tips?!!! Also outfit from @littlemoonsociety.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




