アギーのインスタグラム(aggie) - 1月14日 02時25分

So grateful to be living in California, especially LA. Not because of the sun in Winter, not because you can go skiing 2h drive from the beach, but because of people.
Why? When people move here from around the world, they usually don’t fit their regular life and environment back home. They come here and luckily this is a safe space for them to do what feels right for them and their body. No on really cares or judges you.
It was fun to play true or false with you guys yesterday, but it definitely opened my eyes to how restraining and how different some people’s realities are.
We live surrounded so much judgement every day. It’s a little ballsy to assume you know someone’s life based on 2-3mins daily stories on social media.
I actually can guarantee no one does (would I know everything about you and your life based on your Instagram stories? I don’t think so. It’s the same rule for everyone). it’s good to keep that in mind next time before passing judgement onto someone.
The funny thing about judging someone is that it makes you feel good about yourself for a second but then it lashes back right at you.
Everyone is different, everyone’s body is different and allowing ourselves to be different is what makes us special. And honestly: who cares, really? The only things that matter don’t involve strangers on the internet.
With that said, I loved chatting with you yesterday.
Lots of love,
Aggie 💚


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