フィラデルフィア美術館のインスタグラム(philamuseum) - 1月13日 21時05分

Horace Pippin began "The Getaway" as a daytime scene with a blue sky, red barns, and a fox standing still in the snow. His inspiration to transform the work into a nighttime setting may have come from seeing Winslow Homer’s "Fox Hunt" at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. In Homer’s painting, the fox is pursued by crows and appears to be running for its life. In Pippin’s snowy portrayal, the fox has captured a bird and escapes in the moonlight. See this and other works by Pippin in our collection in our installation "Horace Pippin: From War to Peace," now on view.

"The Getaway," 1939, by Horace Pippin


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