サマンサ・グラドヴィルのインスタグラム(samgradoville) - 1月9日 03時43分

For the past 4 years I’ve watched our small minded, so called ‘president’ steer people on a violent path of hatred and ignorance. Now he allows them to disrespect our nation’s Capitol with no repercussions and I’m left feeling completely disgusted and embarrassed by how unjust America seems 👀 Today I’m taking a break from the news and looking to better myself while I wait patiently for a true leader and his madam Vice President to take office. I’m going to start by rereading one of my favorite books ‘The Prophet’ by Khalil Gibran. Do you have any other good read recommendations? I love reading anything on the betterment of self like ‘A New Earth’ by @eckharttolle; books that teach you something and guide you with inspirational wisdom, poetry, and love 📚💕 #booklover #khalilgibran #eckharttolle #notmypresident


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