ブランドン・シェイアのインスタグラム(brandoncolbein) - 1月9日 01時42分

I’m so beyond emotional right now. Although I have been writing & planning this EP for awhile... I didn’t think I’d be doing it in a pandemic, 66 days sober of weed, alcohol & adderall & single. With all the excitement this project has given me it has equally made me scared as fuck. Normally I would hide these emotions & make it seem like I have everything together but I’m really done playing that game. I’m terrified that no one will listen, that I just spent all this money for no reason & that the needle won’t move far enough to matter. Although these worries aren’t constant they are there & instead of pushing down moments like this I’d rather share them with y’all in case it helps one of you. If you would like to listen, my EP is the link in my bio 🖤


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Jack Baranのインスタグラム
Jack Baranさんがフォロー
