柴犬たま Shibainu Tamaのインスタグラム(tama7653) - 1月2日 12時15分



Caption trans🇬🇧
The first picture of the New Year was not a Japanese New Year's picture, but I decided to take a picture of the Tama family together for the first time in a long time😄 The sushi siblings are growing up fast, and their size is as different as last year's New Year's photo😲💥 The Sushi siblings are still a little uncomfortable, but they are standing up nicely next to Tama👏✨
And Meekeh is getting smaller and smaller😂😂 (※It's not that Meekeh is getting smaller, it's that everything else is getting bigger.)

#柴犬たま #たママ #たまーば #たま家族 #柴犬ミケ #ミケママ #柴犬コイ #柴犬トロ #柴犬ウニ #おしゅし兄弟 #柴犬動画 #親子3世代 #5柴 #仲良しファミリー #しっぽフリフリ #ふわもこ #かなりひし形
#柴犬 #shiba #shibainu #shibastagram #犬 #dog #多頭飼い


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