タイラ・バンクスのインスタグラム(tyrabanks) - 1月2日 03時27分

In 2021, I’m hoping for an eventual safe return back to normal life - where we can all go out on the town, and wear fits like these! Well, not exactly like these. Because these are all 90s to the max. Any of them feel kind of timeless to you? The first one is @Ralph Lauren fashion show when I was a youngin’. I feel like that could kind of be on a runway today, right? Ok, I’ll confess that I really love me some sweatpants and leggings; I actually feel more home in them than any type of couture on the planet, but mannnn all this time at home has me wanting to go to the grocery store in sweats...and STILETTOS! Serving casual chic LOOKS down the cereal and potato chips aisles! Who’s with me?? ✋🏽


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