Amelia Zadroのインスタグラム(ameliazadro) - 12月18日 02時39分

What does strength mean to you?
To me, true strength is
having the courage to prioritise the things in life that light me up from the inside out,
It means consistently taking action towards my hearts desires and
meeting the parts of myself that feel afraid or weak and loving them so deeply that they integrate, and no longer feel separate,
So I can step forward more whole
and free from the bounds of old conditioning,
grounded in the now,
and more present and loving with those around me.
True strength means having healthy boundaries,
Saying no to what I don’t want and yes to what I do,
And celebrating others doing the same
Even when someone feels rejected,
Trusting that it serves a greater unfolding.
True strength requires vulnerability and courage to meet my dark depths but keep choosing love,
and to keep showing up and allowing myself to be seen as the ever-unfolding messy artwork that I am.
✨ Reflection prompted by a Psych-K session this morning with @cassie_cameron_ who holds beautiful, potent healing space which I highly recommend ⚡️💛

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