アンジェラ・アイターのインスタグラム(angyeiter) - 12月16日 19時24分

《 MADAME CHING 》...the most dangerous female pirate in history and a perfect name for my possible hardest first ascent to date! 😉

This route is a present from my husband Bernie that he put up in 2018. He handed the route to me and I started trying it. I found the sequences very hard and thought it’s maybe not possible for me. In May 2020 after the first lockdown I made a virtue out of necessity and started projecting. My first steps on it were quite humbling. I failed many times and was really at a loss sometimes but performance and more efficient tweaks in my method paid off. I could tackle some sequences and simultaneously needed less rope-hanging rests in between... until the whole route was done, finally. I couldn’t believe it. This was the moment where all the hard work finally paid off! Thanks to all the yelling crew!! @bernieruech @raphaelpoeham @lorenzpoeham @raphi___e 🤘🏻😍

As all the time I am asked what’s the grade. I don’t search a number. I love the challenge to climb a route on my limit but I like it less and less to talk about the difficulty. I’ve been wrong several times. Anyway, I share my personal estimation. Due to the power endurance style that fits me well I think it could be similar to „Planta de Shiva“ which I did in 2017.

I’m happy to tell you that there is a movie of the whole process of „Madame Ching“ and guess what? Itˋs already online! 😉 - LINK IN BIO -

📸 @bernieruech
🎥 ASP Red Bull // @raphaelpoeham

#verleihtflügel @ferienregionimst @lasportivagram @team_edelrid


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