クリスタル・ハリスのインスタグラム(crystalhefner) - 12月2日 10時18分

I’ve been working on my mental health. I realize I live in a constant state of fear - worrying about things, others, and outcomes I can’t control instead of worrying about and loving myself and being present. This method ultimately just leaves me neglecting myself.

I’ve been unpacking past traumas that have been affecting me and not letting me live life to it’s full potential, specifically abandonment trauma. I’ve been building personal relationships and being a better and more free version of myself, trying to release myself from my proverbial prison.

You can point fingers all you want at others but until you realize there are internal things you have to address and heal yourself - and start working on them - that’s where the magic happens and growth starts.

I’ve also been working on becoming more settled in myself and less insecure. I no longer want to let insecurity eat at me. I want to kick the ass of negative thoughts.

I’ve seen people with addictions to drinking, drugs, shopping, gambling, plastic surgery(🙋‍♀️), eating, purging, lying, sex, etc all just trying to fill a hole - a void in them. An unworthiness.

The goal is to find out why the hole is there in the first place and how to fill it with love and worthiness and wholeness instead of with things that can be destructive.

Hold your hand on your heart and feel it beating. Say your own name, feel the love inside, and start working on being a more loving friend to yourself because the best relationship we will ever have will be with ourselves.

I love all of you and am very grateful for this platform.

-Crystal xo


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