サイモンとマルティナのインスタグラム(eatyourkimchi) - 12月1日 09時37分

We’re all dealt shit situations and unfair circumstances. ‘Tis just a fact. Life’s challenge to every single person: how will YOU choose to deal with these circumstances?” 🧐You wanna spend the next few years holding onto painful moments from the past, even though they’re no longer happening? Or maybe you’d like to spend your current time stressed out and worrying about a future time...that hasn’t happened yet? Both these plans sound like you’re planning a way to suffer twice. Newt Scamander says, “BOO to that plan!” The way I currently deal with life’s ups and downs is by learning to appreciate the current moment. Not surrendering to the negative voice, the monkey mind chattering inside my head. I turn the spotlight off it. Click. And I turn that shining spotlight around...creaaaaak....it can be hardwork to move it... but then I get to shine it on the outside world. Observe my surroundings and just be focused on what is actually happening around me. It’s challenging for sure. But it’s worth it because you stop suffering needlessly 🤷🏼‍♀️ Doesn’t mean you won’t have current problems, but it absolutely helps to free up your brain energy so you can then FOCUS on your current moment with clarity 🧠🔋 It may not be helpfully worded for everyone, but I found @eckharttolle to be a super teacher. He is like the wise turtle from every anime 🐢
Yeah, we all have our stumbling weeks 🕳 End up in a dark hole. But you just gotta take out your hammer and start building a ladder. How? It’s choosing to find ooone little win to build a rung. All these little wins that you’re paying attention to will create rungs, and that will allow you to build a ladder, aiding you in climbing out of that dark hole. Loving all the #buildaladder posts; thanks for sharing your tough days and also your wins 📸 I’m off to have a nice little pity party (I’ve brought a local Canadian beer to the party) and then wipe off my nose, and try to get back to building 🔨


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



